MapleStory 2 Project New Leaf has recently extended the longevity of a band-aid solution to current Progression issues, which would be replaced by the Progression Improvement update in the next month, according to the latest post issued on the official website.
As is well known for all Maplers, the Progression Mechanics in MapleStory 2 has been drowning in the mire of unfairness and suppression for a very long time. For the majority of players whose progressions are way below the ones from the apex of the pyramid, all progression mechanics and other correlatives this game has now almost backfired and did more harm than good to bridge the gap between low-level players and high-level ones. Even the FairFight system, which basically nerfs players' damages towards dungeon bosses up to a certain point, has devoted nothing to the redemption of the wide disparity between these two classes.
The band-aid solution called Dungeon Delight event was initially announced at the official website on January 18th, 2019 and was deployed into MapleStory 2 on the last day of the same month. Since it has gone along pretty well in the game, there is a necessity to disclose all the details about this event. The Mar. 20 evolved version of Dungeon Delight event is designed to be made up of two different aspects:
- First, It will provide 30% bonus attack for every player in Chaos Raids;
- Second, it also grants double drops for players during Fortress Rumbles.

In addition to that, Mar. 22 version of Dungeon Delight event also confirmed that this event will be permanently disabled once the Progression Fix update comes out at April 25th. For developers' ego, the Apr. 25 Update is believed to patch up all progression issues in the game once for all as if by magic.
In the meantime, MapleStory 2 is getting down to implement a series of changes over several aspects in the game that hopefully will turn around the current RNG performance in the end. The aspects of this plan include but not limited to:
- Enchanting
- Gemstone Upgrades
- Gemstone Resource Gathering
- Accessory Socket Opening